no hidden fees

Transparent, simple pricing for businesses of all sizes

0.5% + 50¢
Per succesful transaction
Lowest fee in the industry

Pay as you go pricing

No setup fees, hidden fees or monthly costs
Everything you need in one place
Hundreds of free features
No additional fees for high-risk industries
Create an account
All-in-one dashboard

Features Included

Enjoy hundreds of features out of the box for free with Radom’s pricing model.

Team controls, 

Multi-user login
Single sign-on
Read/write permissions
Custom roles

Cryptocurrency payments with any integration

12+ cryptocurrencies
5+ blockchains
Exchange payments
Browser, mobile and desktop wallet payments

Product Pricing

50+ fiat currencies
Updated every 3 minutes
Volatile price protection
Support 150+ countries

Financial Reporting

Real-time reporting
Unified reporting
Transparent fees
Accountancy tools

Instant Payouts

Exchange withdrawals
Cold wallet withdrawals
No additional fees
Arrival in less than 10 minutes

24/7 Support

Development issues
Dedicated Slack channel
Product guides

Unify business operations in a single dashboard

Manual actions from the Dashboard
Mobile and Tablet Accessible
Refund management
E-commerce plug-ins

Developer Friendly

Libraries and SDKs
Test-net tools
Robust APIs
Webhook notifications

Automation Tools

Scheduled payouts
Automated invoices
Recurring payments
Data collection
All your tools in one place

Explore Radom's crypto payment solutions

Start with Payment Links, grow with Checkout, or deep dive into a full implementation with Payments.

We’re here at every stage of your growth.

More Tools, Same price

Pricing Breakdown

Get more tools and features for the same price with no extra fees

Crypto Payments

Full suite crypto payments platform designed for innovators

0.5% + 50¢
for all payments. No 50¢ fee for Crypto Billing.

Crypto Checkout

Pre-built, hosted, crypto payments page, optimised for conversion by Radom

no extra fees

Crypto Payment Links

No-code, re-usable cryptocurrency payments link

no extra fees

Crypto Billing

Reduce churn rate and grow revenue with recurring crypto payments and usage-billing

no extra fees

Crypto Invoicing

Simplify the customer experience with crypto invoicing

no extra fees

Ready to start accepting crypto payments?

With Radom, crypto payments become straightforward. Tap into our user-friendly platform for all your crypto billing needs.

Get Started